Tuesday, November 27, 2007

an Ode to her Apple

which is now in the garbage. Regardless,

it grows on a tree.

now it sits on her desk.

no maintenance needed.

then one day, she just bites into it,

and the inside is juicy

and sweet

and nutritious:)

Monday, November 26, 2007


Make yourself small and you will be great.
Know you are nothing and you will be infinite. At the very least, don't make such a big deal of yourself and you will be all that much closer to the truth.

Sunday, November 25, 2007

thursday Night's Eyes

The night has a thousand eyes,
And the day but one;
Yet the light of the bright world dies
With the dying sun.

The mind has a thousand eyes,
And the hearts but one;
Yet the light of a whole life dies
When love is done.

by Francis William Bourdillon

past makes me happy. not all general past, but thursday past

now i've got a teary cold. sok. im still singin and tappin and i kick ass at anna banana
.... '!!!!'

Thursday, November 22, 2007

Outer Space

the black open space one, with stars and planets kinda hangin around the place. Drifting alone, in darkness, never-ending darkness, with shiny starry brightenesses that fail to brighten anything... that's what this space is, for me.

song's got no relation, but its sentiment still rings so true, and i like it:')

Monday, November 19, 2007

In reality, the source of all these differences is, that the savage lives within himself, while social man lives constantly outside himself, and only knows how to live in the opinion of others, so that he seems to receive the consciousness of his own existence merely from the judgment of others concerning him.

Civilised Man

It is reason that engenders self-respect, and reflection that confirms it: it is reason which turns man's mind back upon itself, and divides him from everything that could disturb or afflict him. It is philosophy that isolates him, and bids him say, at sight of the misfortunes of others: "Perish if you will, I am secure."

Nothing but such general evils as threaten the whole community can disturb the tranquil sleep of the philosopher, or tear him from his bed. A murder may with impunity be committed under his window; he had only to put his hands to his ears and argue a little with himself, to prevent nature, which is shocked within him, from identifying itself with the unfortunate sufferer. Uncivilised man has not this admirable talent; and for want of reason and wisdom, is always foolishly ready to obey the first promptings of humanity...

Noble Savage

by Jean-Jacques Rousseau in his Discourse on Inequality

The boy of a savage man being the only instrument he understands, he uses it for various purposes, of which ours, for want of practice, are incapable: for our industry deprives us of that force and agility, which necessity obliges him to acquire. If he had had an axe, would he have been able with his naked arm to break so large a branch from a tree? If he had had a sling, would he have been able to throw a stone with so great velocity? If he had had a ladder, would he have been so nimble in climbing a tree? If he had had a horse, would he have been himself so swift of foot? Give civilised man time to gather all his machines about him, and he will no doubt easily beat the savage; but if you would see a still more unequal contest, set them together naked and unarmed, and you will soon see the advantage of having all our forces constantly at our disposal, of being always prepared for every event, and of carrying one's self, as it were, perpetually whole and entire about one...

by Sappho

Like the sweet-apple that's gleaming red on the topmost bough,
right at the very end, that the apple-pickers forgot,
or rather didn't forget, but were just unable to reach.

Like the hyacinth* on the hills that the passing shepherds
trample under their feet, and the purple bloom on the ground...

contrasting unreachable desire... with the taken for granted mundanes...which trample under our feet. somehow, the unreachable always seems better...more beautiful...than that which is in our reach.


Sunday, November 18, 2007

ah, Moonlight

How sweet the moonlight sleeps upon this bank!
Here will we sit, and let the sound of music
Creep in our ears: soft stillness, and the night,
Become the touches of sweet harmony.

Sit, Jessica: look, how the floor of heaven:
Is thick inlaid with patines of bright gold
There's not the smallest orb which thou behold'st,
But in his motion like an angel sings,
Still quiring to the young-ey'd cherubinms.

~Shakespeare's "Merchant of Venice"

to dream... the Impossible Dream

"To be willing to march into hell, for a heavenly cause..."

maybe sanity really is overrated. i'd say 'meet me on the other side' but i'm too much of a coward.

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

on my closed eyes!

This is the trickiest of all promises,
For were I to be wrong, no one would ever know,
but were I to be right, and not wrong, here lies my proof of thought...

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

twistin wg ords

...to have them get all messed up in my brain.
Sometimes it helps to hear things from other people, gets them thoughts untwisted and makes them a bit more c l e a r .

'There is nothing alive more agonized than man
of all that breathe and crawl across the earth.'
~The Iliad

how come?

cuz I forgot. and it's boring sometimes. and limiting. and dum.

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Mambo Italiano


a March

'And once my vows
and prayers had invoked the nations of the dead,
I took the victims, over the trench I cut their throats
and the dark blood flowed in - and up out of Erebus they came,
flocking toward me now, the ghosts of the dead and gone...
Brides and unwed youths and old men who had suffered much
and girls with their tender hearts freshly scarred by sorrow
and great armies of battle dead, stabbed by bronze spears,
men of war still wrapped in bloody armor - thousands
swarming around the trench from every side-
unearthly cries - blanching terror gripped me!'

seeing the rain.

and amidst all the hatred and slaying in war, the core was recognized:

'...No finer, greater gift in the world than that...
when man and woman possess their home, two minds,
two hearts that work as one. Despair to their enemies,
a joy to all their friends. Their own best claim to glory.'

Sunday, November 4, 2007

back to School

But when experience showed that to let all things be uncovered was far better than to cover them up, and the ludicrous effect to the outward eye vanished before the better principle which reason asserted, then the man was perceived to be a fool who directs the shafts of his ridicule at any other sight but that of folly and vice, or seriously inclines to weigh the beautiful by any other standard but that of the good.

a Bright sunniness

is going to take over my blog, if it so stubbornly won't my nine lives. yaheeeeeeooay :')
I'm dappled and drowsy and ready to sleep, let the morning time drop all its petals on me.


Two weeks ago I think I experienced what all time claustrophobics might on an ordinary subway commute. It's uncool. And I think it was the first poke into the taut vinyl of black clouds surrounding... suffocating, what was once my bright sunny world ...plunging me deep into its foggy fiery abyss of orange and grayish soot... smokey dirty air polluting my lungs...choking me, as if never to let breath... come easy again


of G-d

I've finally been blessed with some sort of clarity pertaining to the characterizing of the ancient Greek and Roman gods in my brain, vs. the ordinary definition of a G-d I might have been brought up believing in.

One is awesome, infinite, flawless, omniscient, all powerful and perfect. A creator. The Creator.

The others are but ordinary flawed beings, albeit immortal.