Friday, September 26, 2008

Trust, not faith.

People ask, "How can I have confidence in G–d? Confidence that He will take care of me, that everything will work out for the best? Perhaps I don’t deserve the best. Perhaps I’ve already messed up so bad He no longer cares about me?"

These people have trust in G–d all mixed up.

Trust is not faith. Faith is something you may or may not have. But trust is something you do. Hard.

Trust is when you are dragged by the currents of a mighty river and you cling with all your might to a rock you trust will not move. Trust is when, in times of trouble, you cleave so unshakably to the heavens that you pull them down to earth.

Trust is a mighty and heroic bonding of love. And as with all love, it is reflected in the heart of the beloved. You bond with the Eternal Rock above, and the Above bonds with you. Then you are a fit vessel for all kinds of good.

Trust changes who you are. It changes your whole world. And it is available to anybody, at any moment, no matter who they were the moment before.


While within the prophetic community G-d takes the initiative - He speaks and man listens - in the prayer community the initiative belongs to man: he does the speaking and G-d, the listening. The word of prophecy is G-d's and is accepted by man. The word of prayer is man's and G-d accepts it.

Monday, September 22, 2008

beyond shock

is illiteracy despite a brain.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

O ff balance

Often, anxiety takes root because a person’s external character is incompatible with his or her inner self. The anxiety may dwell upon other issues and obsessions—but none of these are the true underlying cause.

Most souls can tolerate a few inconsistencies. But others are sensitive to every nuance. As soon as some aspect of their lifestyle is not attuned to the purity of the essential self, the entire person is thrown off balance.

Friday, September 12, 2008


that that is is that that is not is not is that it it is

"They say, Charly, true love, is letting go."

hakol tov v'yafeh~

Monday, September 1, 2008

dodi li

One of the names of Elul is that it is called the month of Harachamim. Rachamim can loosely be translated as compassion or mercy. The root of rachamim is rechem, which means “womb.”

The concept of a womb is that of being able to make a space inside ourselves for another. Completely removing our ego, our opinion, our thoughts, ourselves, to give room, space and a place for another to enter and feel comfortable and connected.

Create the space to forgive... the blessings will rain down

~birth day bless, one year stronger.