Sunday, December 20, 2009

frosty winter warmth

and cider. :')

Saturday, December 12, 2009

the sweetest thing i've in a while

I need to get my heart moving so I don't have a heart attack when I see you..

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

شويه, شويه

it's the only way to find higher ground
blesses abound :')

Monday, November 23, 2009


No, Samana, I am not afraid. Has a Samana or a Brahmin ever feared that someone could come and strike him and rob him of his knowledge, of his piety, of his power for depth of thought? No, because they belong to himself, and he can only give of them what he wishes, and if he wishes. That is exactly how it is with Kamala and with the pleasures of love. Fair and red are Kamala's lips, but try to kiss them against Kamala's will, and not one drop of sweetness will you obtain from them- although they know well how to give sweetness. You are an apt pupil, Siddhartha, so learn also this. One can beg, buy, be presented with and find love in the streets, but it can never be stolen. You have misunderstood. Yes, it would be a pity if a fine young man like you misunderstood.

"Maybe," said Siddhartha wearily, "I am like you. You cannot love either, otherwise how could you practice love as an art? Perhaps people like us cannot love. Ordinary people can - that is their secret."

Siddhartha said:

-- What could I say to you that would be of value, except that perhaps you seek too much, that as a result of your seeking you cannot find.
-- How is that? asked Govinda
-- When someone is seeking, said Siddhartha, it happens quite easily that he only sees the thing that he is seeking; that he is unable to find anything, unable to absorb anything, because he is only thinking of the thing he is seeking, because he has a goal, because he is obsessed with his goal. Seeking means: to have a goal; but finding means: to be free, to be receptive, to have no goal. You, O worthy one, are perhaps indeed a seeker, for in striving towards your goal, you do not see many things that are under your nose.

Monday, November 16, 2009

on communicating outside of the inside of your brain

it's like you're having this conversation about him with yourself for a few hours and you bring him in in middle
it can be confusing

Thursday, November 12, 2009


it's as if i'm writing from years later so far along over oceans and dead grassy hills and bare, flat mountains
why did i get here? why did i get here?
walk along this pebbled road with its rare sweetness but deep deep airlessness of the white gray sky on a day before friday in autumn

Sunday, October 18, 2009

mmm learns

love this:

Prajñāpāramitā Sutra:

Thus, O Sariputa, all things, having the nature of emptiness, have no beginning and no ending. They are neither faultless nor not faultless; they are neither perfect nor imperfect. In emptiness there is no form, no sensation, no perception, no discrimination, noconsciousness. There is no eye, no ear, no nose, no smell, no tastes, no touch, no mental process, no object, no knowledge, no ignorance. There are no Noble Fourfold Truths; no pain, no cause of pain, no cessation of pain, no Noble Path leading to the cessation of pain. There is no decay, and no death, and no destruction of the motion of decay and of death. There is no knowledge of Nirvana, there is no obtaining of Nirvana,there is no not obtaining of Nirvana.”

From John Ferguson, ed., Encyclopedia of Mysticism (New York, 1977), p. 139.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Monday, October 12, 2009

hashem yishmor otach

"G-d is just a merchant trying to sell Shabbos." R' Shlomele (RT elc. tx u without u even knowing :') )

Sometimes I lay under the moon, in my tent, on the farm I never got to, and thank G-d I'm feeling.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

embers of y-e-s

:') bless G-d.

haven't thought about this space for month
and it's not the three weeks


Thursday, September 3, 2009

walla. send

I sent myself a text message the other day. It read:

Don't becomeo elitist in your non elitism :) remember that.

I should send it to myself again.

Sunday, August 23, 2009


it takes a lot of strength to be weak ~mordechai

Monday, August 10, 2009


How many times can you hop in one half minute?




I've never flown before in my life, and it shows exactly what you can do if you're a total psychotic.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009






sd: and even though you think it's better without the last sentence and/or that I should end it with a question, I think it's perfect.


Monday, June 22, 2009

Life hurts, Ronnie.

yes. it can.

warmth to every creation, c

Thursday, June 4, 2009

אתנחתא: periodicals reading room

לפעמים אני לא מצליחה להבין באיזו מדינה אני נמצאת.

"ופה, זה לא חדר שינה. זה, חדר של למידה לא פורמלית."

פשוט צחוקים

it would be very nice.

It would be very nice if there were a God who created the world and was a benevolent Providence, and if there were a moral order in the universe and an after-life; but it is a very striking fact that all this is exactly as we are bound to wish it to be.
Freud "The future of an illusion"


goodbye academia? tear, tear.

Sunday, May 31, 2009

?מי אתה

I'm listening to this song on repeat in this awesome library, with an open tanach and tears in my eyes..
and a smile on my face.

One day...
"makes you bop your head and open your heart at the same time."

to Y, bless bless bless you with so much love.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

בוקר, כוכב, ומרג'ורי

"I am not a concert pianist," snapped Mrs. Zelenko. "And that's why I can play Bach. When I play, it's as though Bach is listening, Bach himself, not twelve hundred yawning potbellied mink-coated perfumed idiots who don't know a piano from a ukulele."

"I love you. Don't you understand, you little torturer? You've executed the vengeance of your non-existent God on me."

-Do you think you'll marry again?
-That's nice and definite.
-Might as well live out the sunset this way.
-Sunset indeed! Thirty nine.
-I've outlived Keats, Mozart, Marlowe, Alexander the Great, and Jesus. I'm satisfied.

"Unfortunately, Marjorie, so far as I'm concerned, expressions like 'neurotic anxiety' are just educated noise. Who really knows what the affliction is, what it comes from, what it means? It's like a wart. You can describe it and you can treat it empirically, which is a three-dollar word for 'by guess and by God.' "

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

סטאשעשמיר and other painful spreads.

Why is it that dogma lies so much deeper in people's brain than actual intelligence? And why is it so so so painful? And why is it so painful? Why, why, why. Why so? and why So? painful.

oh hell. oh slacking trousering pantful hell.

and return to your cardboard box. go, return, and die and die-live in your goddamned cardboard box.

"remember that your head is also part of your body. and so is your heart. and you're making strides."
"and you're making me cry."

bless you t.

:') bless.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

sleeve s and thing s

People keep getting engaged. NEW ENGAGEMENT. NEW ENGAGEMENT.

K'shemedabrim, k'shemishtamshim bemilim, hamamashi hofech lesimli. Zeh muzar. Afilu lichtov et zeh, zeh muzar.

Some people wear sleeves. Some sleeves wear people. Sleeves. Weary people. Wary people. Some sleeves ware weary people.

mm. he'eh, kol ha'inyan hu lishtot mashehu kar belev midbar

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

לשנוא בזריחה

A man hates his enemy because he hates his own hate. He says to himself: This fellow, my enemy, has made me capable of hate. I hate him not because he's my enemy, not because he hates me, but because he arouses me to hate.

Monday, March 16, 2009

I recently heard that fear and thankfulness cannot be present in the mind at the same time. I have yet to test this theory with my stage fright.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

רקמה אנושית אחת חיה

to sing, to sing.
oh why do people need to create issues from beautiful things?
yes, to sing. yes, to sing for all. with love, with heart.

and yes, those who have perished will listen.
plz, g-d. (or collective human consciousness.) whichever it is. :')

the point is that they will listen regardless of my name...
ואם אחד מאיתנו
הולך מעמנו
משהו מת בנו -
ומשהו, נשאר איתו

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Bless G-d.

It's all going to be ok. Even in a hobbit house. Especially in a hobbit house. It's going to be ok.

And soon times will come where we will sing and sweep and the sun will shine and yiddish melodies will be yamtareetareetaretareetareetamed.

Sometimes you just gotta hold your breath, and leap, and then breathe again. bless. It's gonna be ok :')

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

oh oh

tomoz is another afternooon :')

Thursday, January 15, 2009


Think of your world as a massive jigsaw puzzle in time and three dimensions. All the objects and events are meant to fit together neatly, yet they seem just a heap of dysfunctional fragments.

Here is the trick to reassembling those fragments: Find your own purpose first and start moving headstrong towards it. Once in that mode, all things related to your purpose will find you. And those things already attached to you will find their place as well. Suddenly, where once noise and chaos tore you in a thousand directions, a great symphony occurs.

daily dose.

Monday, January 12, 2009

Jan XII.

it's like a joke that's fake, except it's true.

stolen booze from .I.e.k: Absinthe makes the heart grow numb-er

ole.din.days :')

good old blood drive movie times chuck luck
ha, wow. I couldn't do anything right...
Aidan Hawken - Shut Me Out

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

mis understood

mis understand
mis c. bana.

Sunday, January 4, 2009

the library is closed on Sundays :')

"Effective immediately Brooklyn Public Library will be eliminating Sunday service. Please note that Sunday programs at Central Library's Dweck Center will take place as scheduled."

Sentimental public notices. Life is all about them.

יהיה טוב

by David Broza

"V'yihye tov, yihye tov, ken
lifamim ani nishbar...:'(
az halayla
itach ani nish'ar."

is it possible to die of missingness?

yes, I think.

hair is short. heart is broke. rock myself to sleep..
wtvr, hair grows back even after you're dead

night of Harps and Davita

"I don't like anyone to be dead, Papa. It's like a big forest and it goes on and on and never ends."

It rained most of the night. I lay in bed and listened to the roar of the wind-lashed surf and wondered how far up the beach it was. I thought I could hear it just below the dunes, foaming and boiling and reaching for our cottage. My mother came into my room and held me and cradled me in her lap and sang to me softly in a language I did not understand. I fell asleep inside her warmth.

"Sometimes things happen to people and they change," my mother said.
"They do things they didn't do before?"

I found as the weeks went by and winter approached that my mother had been right: I was no longer clearly remembering the look and cut of my father's clothes. At times I could not even recall his face. My mother said that was natural; but it frightened me to be losing my memory of my father.

Religion is a dangerous fraud, Ilana, and an illusion. It prevents people from seeing the truth and expressing their discontent, and sometimes it inflames the heart so that people follow horrible ideas like fascism.

"I especially like the shul."
"Yes. I know."
"I like the singing."
She said nothing.
"I don't like the wall in the middle."

I had learned a strange lesson: walls are laws to some people, and laws are walls to others.

Do you wear your glasses when you read and write? Always remember to do that so you can see the world sharply and truthfully. Truth is often very painful, but it alone will save us. How is our little bird? Does it still nest peacefully in our harp? Ilana Davita, sooner or later birds grow weary and close their eyes. Some fall from the heavens while in flight, dropping like stones to the earth, others run into a mountain, a hour, a tree. Still others are caught in the talons of a bird of prey. And still others simply fall asleep, and sleep on and on and on.
Care for our bird and do not let is close its eyes. It is wrong to face this world with one's eyes closed, no matter how deep the weariness.

Good-bye, Davita. Be discontented with the world. But be respectful at the same time.

Friday, January 2, 2009

being un reason able

I am. :')
and I know it. and still,

the dayly doyse, what does he says? He says:

Three things you must know to be an adult:

Don't fool yourself.

Don't fool others.

Don't let others fool you.

-- and do it all without trying to impress anybody.

and c's brains. what does they says?
"v...'al yovad yisrael, ha-aah'o-oh-mrim shemah yisra-ah-el"