Wednesday, June 15, 2011

flow mo(ve)ments

for one month I read torah
for one month I sketched, things
for one month I took out my headphones
(well, more like a year)
for one month I watched
(perhaps all my life)
for these few weeks I danced
(I felt your music)
for one month I drank coffee
for eight months I worked
I craved (study)
I waited, I longed (for someone?)
I smiled (was at ease)
I rode a roller coaster (with loops, I tell ya)
I trusted, I never trusted
I did both (at once)

silence. noise
leave her alone (and)
embrace her (now)

Hold me closer tiny dancer..don't count had a busy day today..

"What goes around comes around. Today, you help day, someone else'll help you.. So please, if you'd like to make a purchase, or a small donation..."

[Trail off subway. Close curtains.]

לומדים לשתוק, ושוכחים שגם צריך
ולא הרבה
אבל צריך

אלא אם מתפוצצים קודם

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

it's like

maybe if i don't speak

it'll be like i don't exist