Tuesday, July 15, 2014

I have wrapped my laughter like a birthday gift

I rain
Because your meadows call
for God

I weave light into words so that
when you mind holds them

Your eyes will relinquish their sadness,
turn bright, a little brighter, giving to us
the way a candle does
To the dark

I have wrapped my laughter like a birthday gift
and left it beside your bed

I have planted the wisdom in my heart
next to every signpost in the sky

A wealthy man
Often become eccentric,

A divine crazed soul
Is transformed into infinte generosity

Tying gold sacks of gratuity
to the dangling feet of moons, planets, ecstatic
midair dervishes, and singing birds

I speak
Because every cell in your body
Is reaching out
for God.

I will ask simply. I will let go. yes's and no's.