Tuesday, August 21, 2007


I think it was Lessing who once said, "There are things which must cause you to lose your reason or you have none to lose."

An abnormal reaction to an abnormal situation is normal behavior. Even we psychiatrists expect the reactions of a man to an abnormal situation, such as being committed to an asylum, to be abnormal in proportion to the degree of his normality.

~Victor E. Frankl


Anonymous said...

if in your life their is nothing you would die for,what are you living for?!(or-such life isn't worth living). -something like that,but i think you get the point-.

Fajita said...

:) :) :) (that's my third reaction; we'll skip one and two.)

I do get whoever said this point's point, but what's yours, dear?

:) :) :) (still smiling, but)

(and how funny if this isn't you at all, but someone else who thinks i've gone off my rocker:))