Tuesday, September 4, 2007

bye bye love, Summer '07

So the song is sad, but the spot in time it takes me back to brings a loving, happy feeling to my heart.

It's so strange that I'm gonna close my eyes now, after one of the most memorable days of summer...filled with such carefree joy...my last day in Summer.
It's over now; holiday's past. School year is up and it'll be filled with ahhhhh,
New people, new place, new loves, new learning, new joys!
New friends, new struggles, new notebooks:)
I'm so happy, so lucky, so blessed. really really, only clarity and joy filled growth for all you this year. hope for it:) gutte nacht! :')


jof of the jungle said...

yay for the return to decent songs. this song is really annoying to play cos you have to put the guitar in a special tuning...

David_on_the_Lake said...

is it better to have summer..and then lose it..or just not to have it at all?

Anonymous said...

faj - amen

david - to have.. and then lose - that is living. otherwise, why live?