Monday, September 24, 2007

Little Kite

this blog is energyless, lifeless, boring like hell and i need to learn more
so strange how people and things and songs and loves and pain and a cold can twine up all mushed together to make up life

Little kite tell me, for I cannot fly, can you see distant oceans and mountains so high? But most of all, tell me, for I cannot see, is there a G-d in heaven, does he know of me?

...Can't you see little boy? There's nothing up there...
maybe one day I'll see with my mind...

Little kite tell me, why I've been so blind, using my eyes, oh, in place of my mind? For though I can't see you I do understand... you're tugging and pulling the string in my hand... ur tugging and pulling the string in my hand


Anonymous said...

UH!* best song!

*i still haven't figured out how to properly write out the 'uh!' i have in mind. its kinda like an exclamated, constipated ''u got it!'' cry.
know what i mean?

Anonymous said...

Little kite tell me for I cannot fly: Can you see distant oceans and mountains so high? But most of all tell me for i cannot see: Is there God in heavan, does He... know of me...
Ah, but this is the second chorus I'm singing so, no, you DIDN'T just say that!

Avi said...
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Fajita said...

chavele dear:') glad you like.. i feel like im on a different planet right now. weird. in a good way:')

pin cushion.. i came home yesterday with so many bruises..noT to be make jawk of, hokay?
of course I didnt just say that- you're singing the second chorus- completely different set of emotional intention, I'm sure..:)

deleted comment..uhu- not a worry. you get my first class scratched version with love.

jof of the jungle said...

ok, what song...

link please. and yes i am back on line. and yes i have been for hours. but i haven't been on facebook.


Fajita said...

Abie Rotenberg: Journeys: II: Track 6: Little Kite

and :-p...much

the sabra said...

saw a kite bein flown by some dude on the beach today and i thought of you.

(cuz of the kite, not cuz of the guy)