Sunday, November 25, 2007

thursday Night's Eyes

The night has a thousand eyes,
And the day but one;
Yet the light of the bright world dies
With the dying sun.

The mind has a thousand eyes,
And the hearts but one;
Yet the light of a whole life dies
When love is done.

by Francis William Bourdillon

past makes me happy. not all general past, but thursday past

now i've got a teary cold. sok. im still singin and tappin and i kick ass at anna banana
.... '!!!!'


Anonymous said...

no believable g-ds?

ah ozzy is affirming the stupidity of plurality. of course, no believable g-ds. one g-d is fully believebale.

go ozzy?

Anonymous said...

and you know those lyrics are very dlyanish.

i didn't actually hear the song since there's no phoines on thi s comp.

what is it wi u lubvitcvhers and ozzy. i was playing guitar with kingsley way bocherim today for yud tes kislev and the asked for crazy train?


Fajita said...

or god's are an awesome way.

jof is leaving facebook...again?

Anonymous said...

nah, you can believe in something you don't understand. in fact you must. but you must endevaour to understand it to the limit of your ability :)

staying because or mordechai kestecher :)

Shammai says :) is very important, as is fixed time for torah and doing much and saying...

Anonymous said...

you cheated with the post editing.