Monday, September 1, 2008

dodi li

One of the names of Elul is that it is called the month of Harachamim. Rachamim can loosely be translated as compassion or mercy. The root of rachamim is rechem, which means “womb.”

The concept of a womb is that of being able to make a space inside ourselves for another. Completely removing our ego, our opinion, our thoughts, ourselves, to give room, space and a place for another to enter and feel comfortable and connected.

Create the space to forgive... the blessings will rain down

~birth day bless, one year stronger.


Anonymous said...

Happy birthday dear. Many blessings for love and joy to you and yours. And for a house in Aruba. Or Morocco. And $500 shoes. And to being 'drunk and happy' :).

David_on_the_Lake said...

omg..we have the same birthday