Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Papal Dispensation?!

Even King Henry VIII needs a heter sometimes...
In other executionary news:

Thomas More (Utopia writer guy) was beheaded because he was a staunch Catholic and would not take on the Oath of Supremacy, which gave right to the Protestants. Anyhooo, as he lay down to be chopped, his beard got caught in the blade. He rose to readjust it, saying that the beard need not be severed, for it had done nothing wrong.

Mary Queen of Scots executor practically missed the proper blow three freeken times till he managed to get the whole head... and then, when he raised it by the hair to show the "traitor to the king" he ended up with a wig of red hair in his hand, while the grey haired head went rollin' away... (uh, jahhhh, ew.)

Bichlal, the whole execution ceremony with its gowns and speeches and lavishness (?) seriously could have been mistaken for a coronation where they just happen to chop of heads at the end.
But yeah.

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