Thursday, March 8, 2007

This disturbed me, but not in a bad way, and not more than anything that can disturb me right now.

Eli: "Ad mosai tishtakorin?!"
Chana: "Lo, Adoni." (with the Lo came the intent that he was lacking the divine spirit, or he would have known that she had not drunk anything at all, and was simply praying.)
She says in defense: "Veyayin VeShaichar Lo Shatiti."

ZUGT DI GEMAREH: Amar Rabbi Elazar, Mikan Lenechsad Bedavar She'ein Bo, Tzarich Lehodiyo. Like serz man... how is that gonna work in my life...?


Dovid said...

Vos is di kashe?

Anonymous said...

Exasperation rather than a q.
I'm doing something that I know is alright by God, but I have to defend myself with an explanation... comprende?