Tuesday, August 28, 2007

God, New Things, and Stars

People believe in God because the world is very complicated and they think it is very unlikely that anything as complicated as a flying squirrel or the human eye or a brain could happen by chance.

And Siobhan says people go on holidays to see new things and relax, but it wouldn't make me relaxed and you can see new things by looking at earth under a microscope or drawing the shape of the solid made when 3 circular rods of equal thickness intersect at right angles.

And there aren't any lines in space, so you could join bits of Orion to bits Lepus or Taurus or Gemini and say that were a constellation called The Bunch of Grapes or The Bicycle (except that they didn't have bicycles in Roman and Greek times, which was when they called Orion Orion.)
And anyway, Orion is not a hunter or a coffeemaker or a dinosaur. It is just Betelgeuse and Bellatrix and Alnilam and Rigel and 17 other stars I don't know the names of. And they are nuclear explosions billions of miles away.
And that is the truth.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

ye think?