Friday, March 16, 2007

Lo kala hi. Lo kala darkeinu.

od sadot porchim yesh lefaneinu,
od harim g'vohim, vtzonenei psagot.

especially when things are good. and bad. and both. Forget Lo kala. Hi Kasha l'gamrei.


Avi said...

Nisht kosheh! Hahaha...

R'sisim shel aish...

Fajita said...

Positive, Avi, very very positive:')

the sabra said...

whats nisht kosheh?

Fajita said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Fajita said...

According to Tim, it's Yiddish, and means not bad. Koshe is Hebrew, but. And it means tough.
My friend says it's Russian. One word. Means not bad.
Dad says it's Yiddish, one word, and means not bad.
So what the hell? It means not bad. Jah? JAWOHL!

the sabra said...

k thanks

Dovid said...

You know that Yanni goes on automatically when I load your blog? Ugh!

Fajita said...

my mommy used to tell me: if you have nothing nice to say, don't say it.
and ha on you, cuz it doesnt on mine. Must be something with your comp and modern soul pop:-p

Anonymous said...

My mommy always said "Tim knows best" soooooooo...

Anonymous said...

And Dovid, Lo Kala goes off in MY head everytime the page loads. And that doesn't have a pause button. Triple Ugh.

Nemo said...

Well, it's certainly nice as Israeli songs go. Not that whole Mizrachi/oriental flare, thank G-d. It's nice when Israelis produce just nice music.

Fajita said...

yeah, nemo, blah blah blah blah blah:-p

Anonymous said...

From dust I was made,
And, I know, to dust I shall return;
But in between–
Between those states of non-existence–
What can be of dust?

Give me my moment,
Let me shine…
You’re blocking my light.

Anonymous said...

I have arrived

Fajita said...

Good. Now talk.

Fajita said...

and archie from before and before that- so soz i missed ur comment:( (bloggement? we over all that? we care, even, to know if we are? who decides anyways? do i know? do you? do u care to? do i care if you do? care to, i mean?)
See, here's the thing...dovid, i can help. but you, notsahmuch...:(
and why triple ugh? it's so perrrrty!