Wednesday, August 27, 2008

on your own

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

pinh o les

No matter how much you distrust your own sincerity or question your motives, there is no trace of doubt that at your core lives a G-dly soul, pure and sincere.

You provide the actions and the deed. She needs no more than a pinhole through which to break out and fill those deeds with Divine power.

Tzvi Freeman

Friday, August 22, 2008

didn't see you for a while

The wonderful man who just stopped by to swap the plastic bag in the rubbish can said to me.

yea, I was away.

sometimes you just gotta relax.


sometimes you also gotta relax your soul. relax your soul. relax your soul.

Thursday, August 21, 2008

My Invisible Trip to Baltimore

This is me.

Here is my light.

This is my joy.

This is our pain.

This is us dancing.

This is my state
of mind.

Barely there, but touching, touching just enough to feel the hurt and to bask in the glow of the fading part of our mountainous moon.

19 Av 5768. It's one year stronger. Rest, Toby, v' zechutech yagen al kol yisrael.

Friday, August 15, 2008

in the Wind

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

I just wanted you to know that I'm a Jew.

This is my country.
-I do know. I understand.
-Sometimes it's not that easy.
-It's the easiest thing in the world, Ari.
All these differences between people are made up.
People are the same, no matter what they're called.
-Don't ever believe it.
People are different.
They have a right to be different. They like to be different.
It's no good pretending the differences don't exist, they do.
They have to be recognized and respected.

Being not that.

Be simple. In whatever you do, in whatever form you take, in whatever you decide you are, retain memory that you are not that.

Sunday, August 3, 2008

flowers, curly hair, and stars

It's so crazy how a person could be [like] a drug.

Nowhere to go, no one to turn,