Monday, March 29, 2010

creating Freedom

chag tov, einayim sgurim...ze magi'ah...cherut halayla!

In each one of us there is an Egypt and a Pharaoh and a Moses and Freedom in a Promised Land. And every point in time is an opportunity for another Exodus.

Egypt is a place that chains you to who you are, constraining you from growth and change. And Pharaoh is that voice inside that mocks your gambit to escape, saying, "How could you attempt being today something you were not yesterday? Aren't you good enough just as you are? Don't you know who you are?"

Moses is the liberator, the infinite force deep within, an impetuous and all-powerful drive to break out from any bondage, to always transcend, to connect with that which has no bounds.

But Freedom and the Promised Land are not static elements that lie in wait. They are your own achievements which you may create at any moment, in any thing that you do, simply by breaking free from whoever you were the day before...

~tzvi freeman

Sunday, March 28, 2010

emancipate yourself from mental slavery
none but ourselves can free our mind

won't you help to sing
this song of freedom...

b'ezrat hashem


Friday, March 26, 2010

a yud aleph nissan

of truth roaming in the rain

gut yom tov

Sunday, March 21, 2010

longing for spring

Cultivate the soul with hope; teach it to await the break of dawn with longing eyes. Through its ordeals, the soul is softened to absorb the rains, but spring will only come to those that long for it.

And so the sages say, "In the merit of hope, our parents were redeemed from Egypt."

~tzvi freeman

but really, the truth is to allow time and space to bring new awarenesses to you, to allow what needs to happen to take place, and to long, yes, but also to allow the days and moments to embrace you with everything that they'll slowly, slowly, shwayeh shwayeh, bring...bezrat hashem.

it is so painful. but really, yihye tov. kvar tov, pashut kasheh me'od lirot. tzrichim leha'amin. leha'amin.

Friday, March 19, 2010

sprout and the bean

(though that's another of her songs...)

And we were galloping manic to the mouth of the source...swallowing panic in the face of its force.
And I am blue..

ooh, na na na na na na na na na na na

Now it's done. Watch it go. You've changed some...water run from the snow.
Am I so dear?
Do I run rare?
And you've changed some..
peach, plum, pear

Thursday, March 18, 2010

There's also spring Bliss, not to be confused with spring Pain, though they're awfully similar. 'tis a weird season.

stupid sunshine

It's like I'm angry at the sun and I love the sun, love it's warmth.
it makes no sense at all...



Here lies that Raphael, by whom in life, the great begetter of things feared lest she be overcome,
And at whose death Nature herself feared lest she die with him.

Epitaph of Raphael

(and el)

sun with empty air

In the early darkness of Greek winter afternoons, in rooms cold at the windows, I raise my hands to my face and smell Alex in my palms.
I long for memory to be spirit, but fear it is only skin. I fear that knowledge becomes instinct only to disappear with the body. For it is my body that remembers them, and though I have tried to erase Alex from my senses, tried to will my parents and Bella from my sleep, this will amounts to nothing, for my body betrays me in a second. I have lived many years without them. Yet it's the same winter afternoon that draws Bella close, so close I can feel her powerful hand on my own, feel her gentle fingers on my back, so close I can smell Mrs. Alperstein's lotion, so close I feel my father's hand and Athos's hand on my head and my mother's hands pulling down my jacket to straighten me out, so close I can feel Alex's arms reaching around me from behind, and upon me her maddeningly open eyes even as she disappears into sensation, and suddenly I'm afraid, and turn around in empty rooms.
~Anne Michaels

these days, these hours
even the re-awakened smell of eucalyptus and soup and spring refuse to soothe

Saturday, March 13, 2010


ur heart is a moon
a full one. a big fat white orange of a heart, moon.

(12.2.09. emails.)

Friday, March 5, 2010

can you feel the wind

Can you feel the sigh of shabbos...

Can you feel the sighs of the six days of the week making place
for the sigh of shabbos

lecha dodi likrat kallah, pnei shabbat nekablah
