Tuesday, October 30, 2007

for those who will be asking...

There is too much love and joy for the taking, I fear I can misrepresent the pain of life no longer. It's all intertwined somehow. The love, the pain. Remember that, it's all intertwined.
silly in morn, but still no less true, i say
good bye

Sunday, October 28, 2007

Conventional Blusters

good word. "And what were you doing on that website?" the husband might bluster, undoubtedly to little avail.

It was John Kenneth Galbraith, the hyperliterate economic sage, who coined the phrase "conventional wisdom." He did not consider it a compliment.

Friday, October 26, 2007

hazy shade of Winter

'this is the springtime of my life'
and im 'feelin groovy' (tx .ll.e.k)

The Odyssey is looked at as the grandaddy of sci fi adventure, while really, it is the story of a mortal, journeying to reconnect with the mundane. We mortals like to miss the point, most times. Us, I mean, not Odysseus.

And as my Prof. said, 'some people put their foot in their mouth, some like to bring up their other foot too, and walk around. you, you've been running a marathon.'

this song's about as blah as the weather in south africa. (who me? no, i know nothing of the weather in south africa.)

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

ha, I'm a rock!

i'm three rocks:')

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

of phantoms

I shan't use any words at all, lest they ruin the perfection of this beautiful day. sleep tight, my angels.. of music

Monday, October 22, 2007

mem o ry detached

Memory is a wonderful thing if you don't have to deal with the past.

an Odyssey

So now Helen, once
she had drugged the wine and ordered winecups filled,
resuming the conversation, entertained the group:
"My royal king Menelaus- welcome guests here,
sons of the great as well! Zeus can present us
times of joy and times of grief in turn:
all lies within his power.
So come, let's sit back in the palace now,
dine and warm our hearts with the old stories.
I will tell something perfect for the occasion.
Surely I can't describe or even list them all,
the exploits crowding fearless Odysseus' record,
but what a feat that hero dared and carried off
in the land of Troy where you Achaeans suffered!
Scarring his own body with mortifying strokes,
throwing filthy rags on his back like any slave,
he slipped into the enemy's city, roamed its streets-
all disguised, a totally different man, a beggar,
hardly the figure he cut among Achaea's ships.
That's how Odysseus infiltrated Troy,
and no one knew him at all...
I alone, I spotted him for the man he was,
kept questioning him- the crafty one kept dodging.
But after I'd bathed him, rubbed him down with oil,
given him clothes to wear and sworn a binding oath
not to reveal him as Odysseus to the Trojans, not
till he was back at his swift ships and shelters,
then at last he revealed to me, step by step,
the whole Achaean strategy. And once he'd cut
a troop of Trojans down with his long bronze sword,
back he went to his comrades, filled with information.
The rest of the Trojan women shrilled their grief. Not I:
my heart leapt up-
my heart had changed by now-
I yearned
to sail back home again! I grieved too late for the madness
Aphrodite sent me, luring me there, far from my dear land,
forsaking my own child, my bridal bed, my husband too,
a man who lacked for neither brains nor beauty."

~The Odyssey, by Homer, Book IV


~by Hobbes
And therefore it may and doth often happen in Commonwealths that a subject may be put to death by the command of the sovereign power, and yet neither do the other wrong; as when Jephthah caused his daughter to be sacrificed: in which, and the like cases, he that so dieth had liberty to do the action, for which he is nevertheless, withouth injury, put to death. And the same holdeth also in a sovereign prince that putteth to death an innocent subject. For though the action be aginst the law of nature, as being contrary to equity (as with the killing of Uria by David); yet it was not an injury to Uriah, but to God. Not to Uriah, because the right to do what he pleased was given him by Uriah himself; and yet to God, because David was God's subject and prohibited all iniquity by the law of nature. Which distinction, David himself, when he repented the fact, evidently confirmed, saying, "To thee only have I sinned."...

Sunday, October 21, 2007

I'm stardust

from when the stars exploded billions of years ago... I have to remember.. that we're all stardust.
..I'm just a dumb American, momentarily decorating your blank canvas....sweet cakes and milkshakes..

this movie moves planets...or at least my heart.

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

There's nothing sweet about parting's sorrow.

hmm, song: Elton John's Bad Side of the Moon. but yea..

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

...this wondahful feeling.

Monday, October 15, 2007


I went to the woods because I wanted to live deliberately...
I wanted to live deep and suck out all the marrow of life!
To put to rest all that was not life...
and not, when I came to die, discover that I had not lived.

This movie touches something about friendship, about teaching, about cheer, about living? prapps about living. and cheer. and a love. and poetry.

Sunday, October 14, 2007

a silly funny

It's so unbelievable, this time I feel as if I've suddenly been flung into... I'm standing here, looking around me, wide eyed, drunk with wonder, in awe.. in love

Friday, October 12, 2007


So how does it work? We're rewiring our brains every time we hold back habit, every time we consciously hold back and vary our train of thought, until a new pattern is beaten out; a path that satisfies us.

Thursday, October 11, 2007


There's something wholesome about these two hundred posts. It feels ok. Unlike most everything else right now, it feels ok...

...the day the music died. we were singin...

Tuesday, October 2, 2007


Whitney Houston. She's really got me somehow... not for too long, I don't reckon, but that voice, that passion, that control and poise, and weird, weird, strange, intriguing depth of something... the silence in the song grabs hold of the brain. Alright, enough, I'm finished:) Listen to song. for dudds who remain unimpressed, youtube.

In Marsian news, men are really like that. Up themselves, gorgeous, charming, brilliant, buffed, streaming with talent... emotionless, gaming the game, stealing hearts, wrapping us up... I ne'er have been sensitive enough... to realize just how cliche I am.

Starry starry niight

So people were forbidden to run up the stairs leading up round the Holy Temple, the Beit Hamikdash (quite unlike the big building with blue side lighting at Borough Hall. ), and to ensure people like me wouldn't fall into temptation, the steps were actually built in a most uneven manner, so it were just about impossible to orchestrate a proper rythmic saunter up.

Also there were fifteen steps officially, and the Levites stood to play their instruments on them, and all those pictures are just messed up in my head now.

I also re-learned about how the Nobel Peace Prize came about to its becoming it. (hehe, cuz i can) It's cool. works. i like. nice. gut. sweet. gud niiiiiiiiiight:') (pronouncing all the i's. thank you dears.)