Tuesday, May 29, 2007

to the groom.

He was called up to give a few words of blessing to the groom, and he spoke of his method to crawl through and survive his marriage. He said:

"I don't try to ruin, I mean run, her life; and I don't try to run my life. Blessings to you."

(and he might've said other stuff, but he was so drunk, and who in their right mind quotes drunk people...?)


Nemo said...

I dunno, some of the most original thoughts were spurred by drunkenness...

Anonymous said...

to the groom, huh?


Anonymous said...

Quotations come from the left side of the brain, ergo, no one in their right minds is CAPABLE of quoting a drunk person. Let's say. Oder nisht.

Anonymous said...

Nu UH!

the sabra said...

omg i wonder who will win that argument.
gosh ive been out of the whole timothy, caroline etc business for some time now.

on purpose kinda.

its still weird.

Anonymous said...

Timothy beats scissors. Rock beats Caroline and she cries.

Avi said...