Sunday, August 19, 2007


But just as democracy is the worst form of government except for all the others, the family is the worst form of child rearing and male-female bonding except for the others.
~dennis prager


jof of the jungle said...

why so blue?

funny but...

happiness is a serz probem?

David_on_the_Lake said...

verry cute..

Fajita said...

Happiness is a Serious Problem equals the book this is quoted from. comprende?

Anonymous said...

“Dennis Prager is neither a Rabbi nor a scholar.”

-Meir Kahana

Fajita said...

and neither are you, probably. go write a book.
read his.

Fajita said...

oh, tim. was that rude?

Anonymous said...

I read his book. Without Joseph Telushkin, Dennis Prager is a nobody.

Fajita said...

Oh, I'm sorry, do you have a point?
I don't know enough about either Telushkin or Prager to voice an opinion and anybody's somebodiness. Also, I don't care. I read the book.
I posted a great line.
I returned the book. (albeit halfway through. didn't so much grab me. but i'm just a nobody...)

Anonymous said...

Fair enough.
Dennis Prager debated Meri Kahana a while ago.
Today Prager is being proven wrong in all his points!