Sunday, August 26, 2007

People should be banned from society.

Think about it. nuh uh, Not a paradox!

Also, why the sudden change in way of mating? I mean, what with the disappearance of camels with jewelry at wells and stuff? Dunno, but I'm just not about to find you a wife until I've got ten camels loaded, and a thirsty, long, to be shortened by G-d, route through the desert. Oh, and water. I'll lie when I tell her I'm thirsty. k, tx.


David_on_the_Lake said...

a peopleless society..would be cool...
just me n a buncha thirsty camels..

yingerman said...

I was at a simcha where the kallah's something or other spoke about the values of people, in camels and trade for a shidduch and at the end informed us that the kallah was a 10 camel girl.
We all laughed but i'm pretty sure the kallah wasn't very impressed.

Fajita said...

uhhhh, yea, david, two unrelated thoughts.

y- you were at a simcha where the kalla's something spoke about the value of ppl in camels and trade for a shidduch? okey, tell me more.