Wednesday, September 26, 2007

being farrer

It isn't silly that when someone we love is going away- we'll call them on the telephone to say goodbye before they go, even if we haven't seen them in a few days or won't see them for a week were they gonna be in town...
Because somehow, even when you're only talking on the telephone, you can feel when someone is right there or if they're farrer away. Not in their voice, cuz you're close in heart and the voice isn't changing. But just in the air. The air feels different when some people are farrer.

Here's Adiemus because it's in my head and I'm trying to go to sleep. Also, I feel like I have sunglasses on top of my head, but it's three-fifteen in the ay ehm and I do not have sunglasses on top of my head. Also, look up lyrics to Adiemus and sing along.


Anonymous said...

i know. i feel that ur farrer from me now.
(yes i know, i was not the person you had in mind. tis ok. i can still dedicate this to me. incidentally, we can fight about it--its ok, our friendship is strong enough.[geek])

Anonymous said...

and what's does all this mean?

the enya lyrics not ur writings.

Fajita said...

[geek]- noooo, ur closerer now, silly...

joff- A-na-ma-na coo-le ra-we
a-na-ma-na coo-le ra
a-na-ma-na coo-le ra-we a-ka-la...
a-na-ma-na coo-le ra-we a-ka-la........

You can wiki it dear. The words are purely phonetical, written by Jenkins in his made up language called Adiemus: featuring 'harmonised vocal melody' where the 'vocalists sing syllables and words invented by Jenkins.'

Anonymous said...

are you here? or there? i wouldnt even know anymore... how sad it that?

Fajita said...

silawip- feel the air. it feel like im closer or farrer? :')

Anonymous said...

k did google it but they told me twas a SA language.

Fajita said...

hmm. well dey're dum.
chag same'ach u!!