Sunday, April 8, 2007

An Ode to the Unemployed:

V”dal :)

But here’s a point that requires special attention, or you’re liable to get the wrong idea. Since they (the Utopians in The Utopia book) only work a six-hour day, you may think there must be a shortage of essential goods. On the contrary, those six hours are enough, and more than enough to produce plenty of everything that’s needed for a comfortable life. And you’ll understand why it is, if you reckon up how large a proportion of the population in other countries in totally unemployed. First you have practically all the women- that gives you nearly fifty per cent for a start. And in countries where they do work, the men tend to lounge about instead (:D totally made me smile). Then there are all the priests, and members of so-called religious orders- how much work do they do? Add all the rich, especially the landowners, popularly known as nobles and gentlemen. Include their domestic staffs- I mean those gangs of armed ruffians that I mentioned before. Finally, throw in all the beggars who are perfectly hale and hearty, but pretend to be ill as an excuse for being lazy. When you’ve counted them up, you’ll be surprised to find how few people actually produce what the human race consumes.

Takeh, maybe we shouldn’t feel so bad, eh?


chana said...

hmmm - du gleichst di paragraph, ye?

g'luck ;)

Fajita said...

ye, eh?

Anonymous said...

I feel so vindicated. I'm going to requit. Wasn't that the point of this post?

Fajita said...

yip yip yip yip:) gut forbid!

(but yeh. though no pressure dear. wouln't want to be a negative influence or notin.)

Anonymous said...

So much for our unemployment Faj, we have yet to do anything on our list of "Things To Do So We Feel Cultured and Edumacated". Also when's are first book club meeting?