Sunday, April 8, 2007

When you intervene, big man, and try to change our world…

No, do the best you can to make the present production a success- don’t spoil the entire play just because you happen to think of another one that you’d enjoy rather more.

The same rule applies to politics and life at Court. If you can’t completely eradicate wrong ideas, or deal with inveterate vices as effectively as you could wish, that’s no reason for turning your back on public life altogether. You wouldn’t abandon ship in a storm just because you couldn’t control the winds.

On the other hand, it’s no use attempting to put across entirely new ideas, which will obviously carry no weight with people who are prejudiced against them. You must go to work indirectly. You must handle everything as tactfully as you can, and what you can’t put right you must try to make as little wrong as possible. For things will never be perfect, until human beings are perfect- which I don’t expect them to be for quite a number of years!

-Thomas More

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