Monday, April 23, 2007

Pascal's Wager

Pascal's Wager is the application by the French philosopher, Blaise Pascal, of decision theory to the belief in God.

If you care, you'll wiki it. if you don't, you'll burn:/


Duby said...

pascal's wager fails.

u cannot FORCE belief based on an either/or wager of eternal vs. temporary gain.

BTW, this is xtian thinking.

christian religion is all about BELIEF. that IS the religion

yiddishkeit is exactly the opposite. yiddishkeit is all about MA'ASEH. yiddishkeit is about changing yourself and the world. whether you believe or not, the point is to make a dirah b'tachtonim.

my point? wait, wait, i'm getting there:

by us, the wager could actually work. u could DO T"UMitzvahs, based on the greater gain, whether you believe or not. it's worth it to do torah u'mitzvahs b/c ur gain may be eternal...


Fajita said...

I said to wiki...

see criticisms three and four. and all the others, if you care.

and I was gonna comeback with your last paragraph, but you said it to yourself.

comprendu. (or however you say that yep, indeed, i do, understand:'))

Anonymous said...

To quote a famous American radio personality, “I believe in G-D for I have nothing to lose. Belief is cheap and effortless. Then when my big day comes my options are opened. If there is no G-D and no heaven I have lost nothing. If I find myself facing a G-D I can proudly pronounce ‘hey, I believed in you all along’”

Herein lies the fundamental and crucial difference between Judaism and Christianity.

Belief or action.
(As mentioned.)

Avi said...

'Pascal' like the lamb?

Fajita said...

avi- ye, I thought he looked pretty woolly and white up there too. now just imagine him served with a lafa and bitter herbs...

the sabra said...

asked my friend how hes so knowledgable and he said 'wiki is the answer'

thats my personal story of the day (and yes ive always been sober).

hi fajita pita

Fajita said...

wiki is duh the answer. amen:')

hiya sab

Avi said...

Yum! Washed down mit epes a bissel yayin.

Wiki-p, Wiki-p Fajita calls to you,
Tell me what I'm missing, teach me all the things to do.
Wiki-p how I trust the things that pop up on your screen,
I'd believe it if you told me that my mother's hair is green.

Wiki-p there's just no one else that makes me look so wise,
you add happiness to sadness, you bring laughter to my cries.

How I love you wiki-p and all the bullstick that you spew,
when I need to build a rocket, when I need to cook a stew,
I just Wiki-p the answer and it shows up nice and fast
No more fumfing while you wait, no, I'm a real jeenyis at last!

I wonder if "ode" comes from "odeh" like "ode-cha Hashem elokai."

Fajita said...

knew it was fsure you...

1588, from M.Fr. ode, from L.L. ode "lyric song," from Gk. oide, Attic contraction of aoide "song," from aeidein "sing," related to aude "voice, tone, sound." In classical use, "a poem intended to be sung;" in modern use usually a rhymed lyric, often an address, usually dignified, rarely extending to 150 lines.

so jah:)

Avi said...

knew it was fsure you... hmmm?

Your wrong btw. Cuz.

Fajita said...

That cannot possibly be. I am never wrong.