Tuesday, March 27, 2007


Are our understandings first internal or external?
Do words cause our understanding of concepts, or do new understandings come to be expressed in words?
Does grammar help us form concepts in an organized manner? Or do we have thoughts organized in our brain and only use grammar to express those to others?

And why is every single professor using the word indigenous today?


Anonymous said...

Lol, either we had the same psych professor or they all teach the same stuff. There is no answer of course, it is just a method of torturing our poor and innocent brains. Though I do know some pretty intelligent people who have absolutely no vocabulary. And then there are the stupid ones who use big words that they cant even pronounce. So much for Chomsky or whatever the hell his name is.

Fajita said...

HA! they do all teach teh same stuff. does that make the stuff credible or the proffs mucho boring?
see, i, let these kinda twisted, no answer stuff ride right through my head. i post it to torture the other people that will make themselves nuts thinking about it:) gosh, im evil. sinister:')