Wednesday, March 7, 2007

so it all has significance, I learned.

First box up on your left hand, then wrap twice more over the strap to create a SHIN, travelling down, keep wrapping, twice, once, four more, which gives you 7 total on the arm, I think: 7 lyrical notes, 7 midos, 7 days of the week (good as any).
Get to the hand wrap: once between the thumb and over the hand and then twice diagonally across to form the DALED.
Down to middle finger (some things just work out), wrap once and twice down over it to create the YUD.
Remaining leather wraps back up around the hand.

Second box up on your head, settled between the eyes, straps coming down over shoulders, black leather part seen.

Say the prayer. That's what it all means, maybe.

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