Thursday, March 8, 2007

Lokshen's Evolution

along with our worlds conception of him. Check this:
First it was The Great Pump ---> the great machine ---> the great telegraph ---> the great switchboard ---> the great computer ---> ??
Maybe one day, some smart brain will call it just that. hmm...problee not, but.
So how come lil kids put everything into their mouths?
Prize for the best answer.
Agnes de Mille was a dancer who lost sensation in her right hand all the way up to her shoulder. She was so in tune with her body's every muscle that if a person picked her hand up, even though she couldn't feel anything in the actual arm or hand... she was able to know her hand was raised from the slight increase in tension in her shoulder muscle. Gosh! And you gotta see this woman--- she must be older than 90, and she's all pritzed up in a velvet gown and tight bun with a bow. Duh she could do that.

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