Monday, March 12, 2007

Life's like that:')

and just like that, u snap:') i say it's way easier being happy. a copout, mebbe, but definitely easier:')

Justification by faith
...therefore the moment you begin to have faith you learn that all things in you are altogether blameworthy, sinful, and damnable...

Makes you wonder, and then when you're done wondering, and realize that, uh, yeah, ure done, you'll be thankful for who you are and what you got. what's that, you ask? ahhh...learn:)


Anonymous said...

I was told; In the exact spot where m.l.k. was killed reads a small simple plack-
"Look, Here comes the dreamer, let us kill him and see what becomes of his dreams"
(The brothers regarding Josef)

Nemo said...

This has been way too much to think about from one small post.

Avi said...
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Anonymous said...

Rasta: Plaque.

And Fajita's quoting the 16th century priest (ya know the Lutheran Church? Him.) not the 20th century political activist. A very intersting tidbit regardless.

Fajita said...

Rasta- yeh, plack:')

Nemo- really...don't hurt uself. What's to think about?

Tim- was was wondrin wondrin bout bout the the double double comment comment. And yes, was also wondrin whether the dreamer and the anti-semite were a little tzumisht. Rasta?